XX Congreso Argentino de Bioingenieria - SABI 2015

Implementación en FreeRTOS del software de control de un Electrocardiógrafo

Abstract: In this work we evaluate the feasibility to use a Real Time Operating System (FreeRTOS) on the CPU from electrocardiograph. This device is based on a microcontroller platform that uses a PIC 18F4620 where the medical device functions are performed by the microcontroller. The main objective for this research is check if the FREERTOS can be embedded on this microcontroller, including its capabilities and resources. This work is based on the results from other RTOS kernel running on the same platform. In this case we evaluated RAM and ROM necessary to execute all device and kernel functions like semaphore and queues for tasks synchronization. The processes or tasks to be evaluated were already checked in previous experiences on other RTOS kernel. The final result is an electrocardiograph based in a FreeRTOS Kernel.

Palabras clave- FreeRTOS, Postprocesamiento, electrocardiografo

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