XVII Reunión de trabajo en Procesamiento de la Información y Control 2017 XVII Workshop on Information Processing and Control (Co-sponsored by IEEE)

Quantification of Inflammatory Infiltrates in Chagas Disease

Abstract: This paper presents a digital image processing software implementation to identify and study models of infection related to Chagas disease caused by Trypanosoma cruzi parasite. The main objective is predicting disease progression to decide the appropriate treatment depending on the tissue damage observed and evaluate the effectiveness of these treatments in diminishing the structural alterations. For this reason, digital images from colored tissue samples are collected, to be able perform the quantification of inflammatory infiltrate present in these samples. This quantification process automation guarantees greater accuracy, objectivity obtaining results and savings in processing times of the samples involved. The software also includes a unique image repository and metadata implementation to provide more efficiency in post-processing activities. .

Palabras clave- Digital image processing; Chagas image analysis; morphological operation; inflammatory infiltrate.

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